WDC’s advocacy in reaching out to our legislators and asking them to act to repeal our Confederate State Song, "Maryland, My Maryland", is having results. Thank you to all of our members who contacted their elected representatives.
On July 14, the Montgomery Democratic Party passed a Resolution that strongly supports the efforts to repeal "Maryland, My Maryland" as our State Song and urges the Maryland General Assembly to repeal this song in the 2021 legislative session.
2020 Legislative Accomplishments
WDC Members Attend Our 2020 Annapolis Day
During the 2020 Maryland State Legislative session, the Senate introduced 1,081 bills and theHouse introduced 1,663 bills for consideration. Of that total, 636 bills were passed by the legislature. Unfortunately, due to the economic fallout from the pandemic, Governor Hogan aggressively vetoed legislation requiring significant levels of new or increased spending. WDC advocated for 19 unique bills, including 18 House bills (most of which were cross-filed with
Senate bills) and one Senate bill that was not cross-filed. Many of these bills were sponsored or co-sponsored by our Montgomery County Senators or Delegates. Ten bills that WDC supported were passed by the state legislature and presented to the Governor. The Governor vetoed 3 of the 10 bills, leaving 7 fully enacted. WDC also supported the bill priorities of its partner, the Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women (MLAW).
The Montgomery County Women’s Democratic Club is Concerned that Governor Hogan’s Decision to Hold a Regular Election in November During an Active Pandemic will be Detrimental to the Health and Welfare of Maryland Women and their Families and is a Form of Voter Suppression. We encourage Governor Hogan to modify his decision to mail ballots directly to ALL registered voters.
If you believe this issue is important to you and for Maryland, reach out to Governor Hogan's office and make your voice heard.
WDC Takes a Stand - Retire Our Confederate State Song This Session!
WDC members Ginger Macomber and Fran Rothstein visit the State Capitol to testify for HB0181.
Did you know that our State Song - "Maryland, My Maryland" - glorifies the Confederacy and honors our State's slave-holding and segregationist past? Did you know that the Southern Poverty Law Center includes Maryland's State Song on its list of shame as a public symbol of the Confederacy that distorts history by honoring a secessionist government that waged war to preserve white supremacy and the enslavement of millions of people, including the ancestors of our fellow citizens?
Marylanders deserve a State song that makes us all proud and reflects who we are in 2020! Our WDC Advocacy Committee has been working hard to convince our legislators that, after nine failed attempts since 1974, it is long past time to retire "Maryland, My Maryland" - and you can help.
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