The Montgomery County Women’s Democratic Club is Concerned that Governor Hogan’s Decision to Hold a Regular Election in November During an Active Pandemic will be Detrimental to the Health and Welfare of Maryland Women and their Families and is a Form of Voter Suppression. We encourage Governor Hogan to modify his decision to mail ballots directly to ALL registered voters.

The Montgomery County Women’s Democratic Club (WDC) is one of the largest and most active Democratic Clubs in the county with more than 600 members working to improve the lives of women and their families. Governor Hogan’s decision to hold a regular in-person election with an application process for mail-in ballots is not only detrimental to the health of women of all ages and their families, but can also be considered Maryland’s own version of voter suppression.

During these difficult times, women’s health is paramount to keeping families together and thriving. Even before the health and economic impacts resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, women of all ages in Maryland faced many challenges. Women and girls represent 51.6% of Maryland’s population; 20% of adult women are over the age of 65; and 23% of Maryland’s family households are headed by women. This demographic reality demonstrates how a confusing and unsafe voting process will potentially disenfranchise a large number of eligible voters.

Medical experts and our experience over the past 6 months confirm that older residents are at higher risk to contract Coronavirus and to die from COVID-19 related conditions. And we now know that young children are often asymptomatic and can bring the virus home to parents and grandparents. It is common sense that the more we can do to limit exposure to the virus, the better chance we have to abate the spread of the virus across the state. For this reason alone, making it harder to obtain a mail-in ballot and pushing voters to in-person voting centers, is counterproductive to the progress Maryland has made in reducing the number of new cases, hospitalizations, and ultimately deaths from the Coronavirus. 

Further to the health implications of in-person voting during a pandemic, is the confusion created by changing the voting process for the second time in 5 months, particularly for the elderly. WDC believes sending out applications for mail-in ballots is an unnecessary step that can only further complicate the voting process resulting in missteps and last minute confusion that might push frantic voters to the polls against medical advice. Not to mention, the Board of Elections will be burdened by lack of personnel to work the polling locations because election workers will be fearful of contracting the virus. 

There are many more reasons, other than those stated here, that make Governor Hogan’s decision to hold a regular election during these uncertain times just plain wrong.

If you believe this issue is important to you and for Maryland, reach out to Governor Hogan's office and make your voice heard