The Women’s Democratic Club, founded as Woman’s Suburban Democratic Club, was established by a group of activist women Democrats in Montgomery County, where they worked on many local, state, and national campaigns, often out of a storefront in Bethesda.
Eleanor Roosevelt was the first speaker, at an event held at Normandie Farm, in 1957.
WDC Past Presidents
Diana Conway, 2022-23
Leslie Milano, 2021-22
Diana Conway, 2019-21
Fran Rothstein, 2017-19
Linda Kolko, 2015-17
Beth Tomasello, 2013-15
Jane Merkin, 2011-13
Susan Elwell, 2009-11
Darlene Montgomery, 2005-09
Jane Lawton, 2005
Dorothy Barthelmes, 2003-05
Carole Brand, 1999-2003
Rebecca Kahlenberg, 1997-99
Miriam Silver, 1995-97
Daphne Bloomberg, 1991-95
Natalie Bouquet, 1989-91
Madeleine Sigel, 1987-89
Dorothy Barthelmes, 1985-87
Susan Messitte, 1983-85
Anne Healy, 1981-83
Kelly Pelz, 1979-81
Roberta Hochberg, 1977-79
Madeleine Sigel, 1975-77
Dorothy Barthelmes, 1973-75
Marilyn Goldwater, 1971-73
Grace Orlansky, 1969-71
Mary Lou Freidman, 1967-69
Margaret Carpenter, 1965-67
Paula Locker, 1963-65
Virginia Sprecher, 1961-63
Peggy Mann, 1959-61
Barbara Pryor, 1957-59