Proving the Pundits Wrong: Winning with Maryland Democrats

Tired of pundits and pollsters demoralizing you about Democrats’ prospects for the 2022 elections and beyond? Our irrepressible, enthusiastic, accomplished State Party Chair, Yvette Lewis, will change your mind and demonstrate how a strong Democratic Party can win at the state and national levels.

Yvette  is an organizer to her core. She brought groups of volunteers together  in 2008 to knock on doors, make phone calls, and register voters to  elect President Obama. In 2010, she founded Maryland’s “Rapid Response  Network” to push back aggressively against the Tea Party in Washington,  and to counter Bob Ehrlich’s smear campaign against Governor Martin  O’Malley.

In her first term as Maryland Democratic Party  Chair, from 2011 to 2015, she raised more than $7 million and ran two  statewide coordinated campaigns. She executed Maryland’s 2012 delegate  selection plan, resulting in the most diverse convention delegation in  state history. She won election as Secretary of the Association of State  Democratic Chairs and won honors for her service and leadership.

Currently Maryland Democratic Party Chair again,  Yvette is also the Chair of the Voter Protection Standing Committee for the Association of State Democratic Committees.  She won unanimous support to be the Eastern Caucus female representative  on the DNC Executive Committee. In partnership with churches, she  created “Shop Talk,” to encourage voter registration among barbershop  and beauty salon patrons and employees.