move forward together to elect our Democratic nominees

Congratulations to all the candidates who emerged victorious in Tuesday’s primary elections! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and now it's time for us to come together as a party and ensure we elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November.  

To those who didn't prevail, we salute you for the time and dedication you put into running for office. Our democracy is better because of the willingness of people like you and your teams to give their money, time, and energy to participate in the democratic process.   

As many of you know, WDC’s bylaws prohibit the Club and its president from taking sides in a contested Democratic primary. What WDC did was to provide as many opportunities as we could for voters to hear from Democratic candidates firsthand so they could make educated decisions on who deserved their vote. 

Additionally, many of you volunteered and contributed to one or more of the primary candidates, you may have door-knocked, or canvassed at the polls for them, as WDC members have done for over 60 years. Some of your candidates prevailed, others didn’t. Regardless, it’s time to set all that aside, and to move forward together to elect our Democratic nominees. 

By harnessing our collective energy and enthusiasm to support our party's nominees we will ensure success at the polls in November. 

I urge you to rally around Angela Alsobrooks, our Democratic candidate for the US Senate. She will face a GOP nominee who, as governor, vetoed a $15 minimum wage, common sense gun legislation, and access to increased reproductive and abortion care in Maryland. Now, despite his attempts to portray himself as a moderate and with his recent pivot on abortion rights, you can be sure Hogan will vote with Mitch McConnell and his GOP colleagues. The GOP’s plan to take back the Senate majority hinges on Maryland. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen!

Losing this Senate seat is not an option, the stakes are too high!  

November is just around the corner. We need every Democrat volunteering and voting. After all, remember the primary purpose of our Club—to elect Democrats, and that is what we intend to do. I hope you join us. 

 A few upcoming events: 

On May 22, WDC will host a panel on maternal health. Join our free May 22nd virtual webinar at 7 pm ET with prominent maternal health leaders, including Maryland Health Chief Dr. Nina Ashford, OB/GYN Specialist Dr. Nikhila Iruku, and founder of Gentle Mama Counseling Mischa Hadaway, and Senior VP at the March of Dimes, Stacy Brayboy. We will discuss crucial support systems for pregnant women, children, those who have recently given birth and the discrepancies in access across diverse populations. Click here to register. 

And on June 30, WDC will hold our annual members meeting via Zoom at 6 pm. You will have the opportunity to vote on proposed updates to our bylaws and give your feedback on other club business. More details to follow. 

 Stay Strong. Stay Focused. Stay United.  
Tazeen Ahmad 