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Rob Wilcox on Gun Safety: A National Priority

Every day, 100 Americans die from gun violence and more than 200 people sustain gun injuries. In Maryland, gun violence accounts for 724 deaths in an average year. Despite having some of the strongest gun laws in the country, Maryland has the 6th-highest rate of gun homicides.

If anyone can help us make sense of those horrible statistics, it’s Rob Wilcox. His talk will cover all types of gun violence – from mass tragedies that hit the headlines to everyday gun violence in our communities, firearm suicide, and intimate partner domestic violence – as well as strategies to reduce gun violence.

As the Federal Legal Director of Everytown for Gun Safety, (the parent organization for Moms Demand Action), Rob manages federal policy advocacy, the development of Everytown’s comprehensive school safety platform, and key federal and state legislative campaigns. A decade-long veteran of the gun violence prevention movement, he worked at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and served on the board of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. Rob’s legal practice included representing survivors of gun violence in lawsuits against gun dealers. Like so many gun safety advocates, he has a tragic personal connection to the issue through a cousin killed in 2001 by someone who should not have had access to a gun.

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