David Corn
Join WDC for lunch with journalist David Corn, Washington Bureau Chief for Mother Jones magazine, MSNBC on-air analyst, and co-author (with Michael Isikoff) of the acclaimed new book, Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump. Corn has written three New York Times bestsellers and won the George Polk Award for breaking the “47% story,” Republican nominee Mitt Romney's videoed meeting with donors during the 2012 presidential campaign. Russian Roulette will be available for purchase; please bring cash or check.
Date: Thursday, May 3
Time: 12:00-2:00 PM (buffet lunch)
Venue: Pooks Hill Marriott
Register online or pay by check. Mail your check ($34 for members; $41 for non-members) made out to WDC to Sybil Cantor, WDC Treasurer, 8524 Atwell Road, Potomac MD 20854. Checks must be received by Monday, April 30.
Online pricing reflects PayPal fees. Your PayPal receipt is your event confirmation. No printed tickets are needed. Registration ends April 30.
Questions regarding payments and receipts should be directed to the treasurer, Sybil Cantor at (wdctreas@gmail.com) For other questions, contact Events Co-Chair Shruti Bhatnagar, (301) 949-8006 (shruti_bhatnagar@yahoo.com).