We are a vibrant network of politically active women and men.
Please join WDC to elect Democrats, advocate on state and local issues of importance to women and families, and educate our community on critical issues. Join WDC and get involved today!
Upcoming Events
Visit our events page here.
from the WDC president
Important issues facing Montgomery County and the state.
I am incredibly proud of the work WDC members did—collectively and individually—to ensure these important victories in this election cycle. It’s an honor to lead this wonderful organization of vibrant, energetic and dedicated volunteers. With help from all of you, we will continue to stand strong, focused and united to support each other, and to keep fighting for a better future.
maryland legislation
New laws affect everything from housing and health care to taxes and psychedelics.
The dedicated members of the WDC Advocacy Committee, assisted by our WDC grassroots advocacy community, partner organizations, and coalitions, worked tirelessly to advance a total of 44 bills and resolutions dealing with issues of importance to our club membership. Ultimately 21 of those 44 passed both chambers by Sine Die, the final day of session, and were enacted into law.
Mobilize Maryland • September 7, 2024
Past WDC Events
recent WDC Speaker Events
View our past YouTube Zoom Events here.
As we head into the 2025 MD General Assembly, this is an important precursor to ECE policies & funding possibilities. Watch the video here.
Watch the video of WDC’s Annual Meeting with featured speakers.
If you missed this panel, you can watch the video here.
WDC & Community Events Calendar
Visit our Community Calendar (Our Tally of Partner and Community Events). Contact WDC to submit your corrections and additions. For non-WDC events, please contact the appropriate hosting organization if you have any questions or corrections.
Can’t find what you are looking for? Check out these calendars: