Montgomery County, MD Women's Democratic Club

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WDC Endorses Kamala Harris for President

The Montgomery County Women’s Democratic Club (WDC) joins Governor Wes Moore, and our Maryland Delegation to the 2024 Democratic National Convention, in putting our full support behind Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

Vice President Kamala Harris is a strong, accomplished, experienced, and energetic woman who is fully qualified to be our next president. WDC is excited and committed to do whatever it takes to elect Kamala both within Maryland and beyond.

Our country is ready for a woman to occupy the Oval Office, and that woman is Kamala Harris.

Note: Many people are wondering about all the fundraising solicitations they are receiving. If you are planning on making a donation, consider using this link .

 Two benefits to using this link:

  • All contributions go directly to Kamala Harris for President.

  • The DNC can see the overall impact that WDC members bring.